Q: What is the fine for lost or damaged ILL items?

When an item is overdue for 30 days, it moves into LOST status, and a fine of $200 automatically is applied to your account. This is a default fee. Please do not pay this default fee. A replacement charge will be added once the lending library is contacted. The library does not accept replacement copies. Please note if an item costs more than $200 to replace, you will be responsible for up to $200 of that fee.

**Materials borrowed from other libraries for Johnson County Library patrons are subject to the rules and regulations of the lending libraries, and any charges accrued from overdue, lost or damaged materials will be charged to the patron. The cost of lost materials will be nonrefundable after the invoice is paid to the lending institution.** See policy 20-10-91

Last Updated: May 12, 2023     Views: 351
Answered By: Johnson County Reference