Q: What does the status of my ILL request mean?

Awaiting Direct Request Sending: Your request has been received and is in the process of being sent automatically to potential lenders to review.

Awaiting Request Processing: Your request has been received by the Interlibrary Loan Department. If it is unable to go directly to lenders, it will move into this queue for Interlibrary Loan staff to process manually.

Request in Processing: If a possible lender needs more information, they may send a query to Interlibrary Loan staff. Your request will move into this queue. It is on pause until we can get the information they need.

Awaiting Conditional Processing: Your request has been returned with conditions attached. ILL staff are determining the next step and will contact you if needed.

Awaiting Copyright Clearance: Your article request has been received and is awaiting copyright processing to determine if any copyright fees need to be paid.

Request Sent: The request has been sent to a string of possible lenders. These lenders are in the process of checking their libraries to see if they are able to loan the item. This could take a few weeks.

Under Review.: If a request was made for a title published during the current year, the request moves into this queue for Collection Development staff to consider purchasing the item. If they do not decide to purchase, it will be moved back into the Awaiting Request Processing queue for Interlibrary Loan Staff to request.

Collections Consideration: Your request has been forwarded to the Johnson County Library Collection Development Department where they will consider purchasing a copy to add to the Library's collection. If purchased by the Library, you will be notified by email. If the item is not purchased, an Interlibrary Loan request will be made and you will receive a notice when the item is available.

Awaiting Unfilled Processing: Your request has gone through a string of lenders. Interlibrary Loan staff will check for any other possible lenders. If there are none, you will receive a notice through email indicating we were unable to get the item requested.

Received Partial/Incorrect Item: An item was received from the lending library that either does not match your request or is incomplete. The Interlibrary Loan staff will determine the quickest means to correct this.

Awaiting Post Receipt Processing: The requested item has arrived at the Interlibrary Loan Department and is being processed by the ILL staff.

Check My Account: The requested item has arrived at the Interlibrary Loan Department for processing. It will be put in transit to your requested pick up location. This could take a few days. When the item arrives at your requested branch, a notice will be sent indicating it is available to pick up. Once the item is checked out, go to My Account at www.jocolibrary.org/myaccount to check the date due.

Checked out to Customer: The item has arrived with a due date set by the lender that is in the past. ILL staff have requested a renewal from the lender so the item can be lent out for a period of 3 weeks upon check out. Once this request is made, staff must manually change it back to "Check My Account".

Renewal Ok Processing or Renewal Denied Processing: The lender has either approved or denied the rewnewal requested to extend the due date set by the lender. Very rarely does this mean that you will not get the item to check out for JCL's standard 3 weeks. Once this status appears, ILL staff must manually change it back to "Check My Account". 

Awaiting Recalled Processing: The requested item has been recalled by the lending library. Please return the item as soon as possible.

Awaiting Return label Processing: The item has been returned to the Interlibrary Loan office and is in the process of being returned to the lending library.

Last Updated: Aug 03, 2023     Views: 1411
Answered By: Johnson County Reference