Q: What do the credit ratings in ReferenceUSA mean?

RefUSA credit disclaimer:
"Our Credit Rating Scores are indicators of probable ability to pay. They are based on business demographic factors such as number of employees, years in business, industry stability, bill paying history, barriers to entry, and government data. We recommend that these ratings be used primarily as a starting point and should not be the sole factor used in making a credit decision. You must obtain more information from bank and trade references, local credit bureaus, or other sources before extending credit. We will not be liable for any losses resulting from the use of this information."

Basic guideline on the scores:

A+ = 95 - 99
A = 90 - 94
B+ = 85 - 89
B = 80 - 84
C+ = 75 - 79
C = 70 -74
U = below 70
I = Institution
P = Professional

Institution would include schools, hospitals, government agencies.

Professional indicates doctors, dentists, attorneys; there may be credit scores associated with the offices of these professionals, but not the individual.

Last Updated: Oct 26, 2017     Views: 429
Answered By: Admin Account